Originally posted by Double-J:
[quote]Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[b]Come on guys. Stop with the Kerry/Liberal bashing. Think about how hopeless you would feel if you had lost.
We really would feel hopeless, although Kerry did have a "PLAN." Or something. Custer had a plan, too.


I will stop with the liberal bashing (note, my political figure bashing is related to actual incidents) of BB members when:

a.) Michael Moore loving is quelled.
b.) You acknowledge Bush won fairly (in '00 and '04)
c.) You stop the conservative/Bush bashing.

El Presidente [/b][/quote]Wow, your first comment on Kerry's loss and you already mock him some more. WOW!

A) If Moore continues to make powerful, accuarate films. I will continue to praise him.
B)I belive he won this election, but I will always question '00.
C)I will always be critical of Bush, but I will never make careless comments on him.

Doctor Ferro

And you liar, teller of tall tales: you trample all the Lord's commandments underfoot, you murder, steal, commit adultery, and afterward break into tears, beat your breast, take down your guitar and turn sin into a song. Shrewd devil, you know very well that God pardons singers no matter what they do, because he can simply die for a song.