I thought Jurgen would bring certain things to the US game that I have not see the US do before.

The Germans and the Dutch short pass movement for creating space I thought was the best in the world at one time. I thought he would bring that off ball movement to the team. It is not a ball skill. It is just movement without the ball. The US is still doing triangulations and movement in a diamond shape to create space for their short passing game. I am very disappointed on not changing that short pass movement.

He had the team long enough to not only play a possession game, but also to play a quick strike counter attack game. If we have a counter atracking game I have not seen it.

We are also open to be counter attacked by opponents. We let that happen its 3 and out definately.

So I would like us to do well as a patriot. But in my head I am pretty sure I know what's going to happen

only the unloved hate