I feel like the average person seems to think the mob has a lot more heavy shooters than they actually do.. Not every guy with a button is a killer, honestly I think there's a small number of go to guys who are shooters.. Especially in this day and age.. Being an earner and a thinker is a lot more valuable to a family than a shooter.. But shooters are also necessary to have.. There's guys like frank cali who I've heard has never even held a gun is his life let alone hit anyone..
Then there was crews like tg grazianos who had great earners like porky and then had some shooters who didn't have a dollar to their names..
I think its rare for a guy to be a huge earner and also a capable killer.. Plus these days killers aren't needed as much.. Killing seems like an absolute last resort now so having 100 members who are only good for killing isn't really a great asset to the family.