Well, I will weigh in one more time on this and then hope it sinks to the bottom of the pile and off the boards.

The notion that something is "possible" is not the same as the notion that something is debatable.

There are not two sides to the concept the world is not flat. It isn't.

Likewise, I do not think it is reasonable to believe 9/11 was an "inside job." For those of us on the political right or left, this crazy theory meant that "insiders" in the Clinton and Bush administrations were secretly setting this thing up for almost a decade, and then did it in a way that made it "obvious" that there were "secret detonation hot spots " in the towers, and that a "missile-disguised-as-an-airplane" was used to hit the Pentagon. Come on.... would an "inside job" that complex be mishandled so easily?

Yes, we can argue forever about policy failures going back to arming the mujahadeen and then leaving them there, failing to read the right reports about bin Laden's intentions, the reasoning behind our going to war in Iraq, and these thinga are all worth scrutiny.

What is not worth it is taking a tragedy like 9/11 and exploiting it by saying it is "possible" it was a massive cover-up by "insiders" who have managed to stay quiet about it all these years.

The real danger of this kind of crap floating around is that it distracts us from taking a hard look at what the real issues are.

It is no different than all the nonsense about Obama being born in Kenya (he wasnt), or Hillary having "brain damage" (she doesnt) or even the ongoing nonsense about Benghazi (it was a security lapse and nothing more).

There is plenty to debate on policies, and who should or should not implement them without going into the silliness of sensational distractions designed to trigger imaginations, and to permit hidden agendas to come forward in the name of these "theories."

Bottom line is all the issues we face are very difficult, very challenging, and are not easily answered or solved. If the case were otherwise, someone would step up and solve them.

Lets get back to arguing about things that are real, and stop going on about whether or not what the overwhelming evidence of
history is accurate.

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."