We have a ton of oil and gas here. The question you should be asking why is it that we are buying some of that outside the US.

The renewables are not a thing we can use know because they are too expensive and it does not all work. The technology is not Theresa yet.

I spend a lot of time in Germany. Here is how it works there. The poor like the Turks their still use dirty coal because it is very cheap. Incidently there is clean coal here in the US we are trying to put them out of business. I guess to put those people on welfare.

Most people in Germany use what we use.

Only the very rich in Germany use what you want us to use.

There are posters here from Germany am I right or wrong on this.

On that fact I heard that 10 years ago. It actually might be true that bozo had a million relatives. I think they also tried to get some sheep out of the country he was fucking Them as well because they supposedly feels like a women's pussy.

Last edited by Footreads; 05/18/14 09:07 AM.

only the unloved hate