Originally Posted By: NNY78
On a lighter note the porn was still running on the computer when we got home, two nice looking ladies bumping clams and getting to know each other better wink anyway after my Daughter screamed at my Grandson for 15 minutes about it, my Mom piped up and said to my Daughter "Oh for Christ Sakes relax, be grateful there wasn't any farm animals in the movie". lol

"OK, Lez-beans! I caught ya! Bumpin' pussies is a violation of jail rules!"

I know a lot of gay men who have confided to me how they find lesbian sex to be disgusting and how in their opinion it's not natural for a woman to be sexually attracted to only women, and that the majority of lesbians are this way because they hate men and have had a man do something horrible to the in the past.

Get a virus scanning program. If you really want protection you will have to pay for it.

Also tell your relatives not to look at porn, open up spam emails, or links in email that are spam.

A good virus protection program will recognize the spam links and not allow them to click on them. Or better yet get the email client Mozilla Thunderbird since it will not let spam emails load or allow them to click on the links or open up files that are viruses.

Last edited by cornuto_e_contento; 05/17/14 11:52 AM.