This is what I think about it. I am sleeping got in at 4 am that night before. My wife went to work. She worked at one of the twin towers. Then I get a call from one of my four adult children. Asking me about their mother. They tell me what happen I put on the TV. I asked them what time was the building hit. The second one had not been hit as yet. I told them your mother had to be on the train going there after it hit. So once she hears about she will come back home. I tried calling her cell did not work. Now I am getting calls from my other kids asking about there mother.

I had a daughter who lived in Manhattan back then. She was going to school at Columbia university. She is the communist I told you about living in Germany now.

I told her do not go down there and to stay in the school.

Every few munutes they called until my phone went out.

In my head I knew she was aLright. But it was now 4 pm and she still did not come home. So you don't know what you know. All you know was she is not home. Finally got home well after 5 pm.

only the unloved hate