Tony Soprano: [over the phone] It's a bad connection so I'm gonna talk fast! The guy you're looking for is an ex-commando! He killed sixteen Chechen rebels single-handed!

Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: Get the fuck outta here.

Tony Soprano: Yeah. Nice, huh? He was with the Interior Ministry. Guy's like a Russian green beret. He can not come back and tell this story. You understand?

Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: I hear you.

[hangs up]

Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: You're not gonna believe this. He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator.

Christopher Moltisanti: His house looked like shit.


Last edited by Frankie_Five_Angels; 05/16/14 08:57 PM.

"I'll give you undignified. Go fuck yourself. You, Phil... whoever. He's my fuckin' cousin."

"My name is George. I'm unemployed and live with my parents"..