Do you think someone will hire him in film work? If they don't would that be discrination?

I have someone I know and like who is an incredible singer. He had a great career going on the stage. He was young and stupid a lot of women was drawn to him. He had talent and very handsome man and single at that time. One women he really dug. She was underage when they had sex. She said he knew maybe he did or didn't.

Any way when he broke it off she had him arrested. His lawyers told him to cope a plea or he could face major jail time if convicted. So he took it, but he is considered a sex offender.

That was a while ago he is married now and has kids. He does a lot of charitable work as well.

But there are people out their that make it their life's work to make sure he never works again. Like if they never did anything wrong in their lives.

I won't mention his name but he is relatively well know for his talent not his past. I don't mention it because some will only think about his past.

only the unloved hate