Originally Posted By: mulberry
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: TommyGambino
Good on him if he does, he's made his money and done 10 years. Don't think cefalu will be too happy about it though wink

Money talks, bullshit walks. Tore was able to ransom his way to Florida, his goombah should be able to do likewise.

But like I said, who knows? Time, and time alone, will tell smile .

This is a perfect example of why the mafia is dying. These younger capable guys make their money and retire. In the old says they were gangsters till the day they died. Some guys would semi retire at 70 or so but not 45 or 50. I don't blame them though because the laws are much tougher and prisons much harsher.

Exactly. This isn't Carlo Gambino's Mafia anymore. But neither is it Carlo Gambino's time, either.

The truth is, if they had RICO, and DNA testing, and CSI teams, and superior electronic surveillance, fifty years ago, there's no telling if those guys would have all stood tall.

Now I'm not at all implying that guys like Gambino or Costello or any of the other "legends" would have folded up. But some of their underlings would have. The American mob isn't just falling apart because today's guys are softer (and they certainly ARE softer). The American mob has changed because the laws have finally caught up to the technology.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.