I think that Chase deliberately put the "everything goes black" comment by Bobby in as a sneaky little red herring.
Bobby saw his killers coming,Sil knew he was hit in his car outside the Bing,Torchiano knew he was getting hit,(although Sil didn't at first),Mikey Palmici knew,etc.
In short,everybody who got killed in the show's run pretty much saw it coming,even if it was only a second or two before it happened.
I think that Chase's emphasis on reminding us of Bobby's statement was to give plausible evidence for the "Tony gets hit" ending.
As I mentioned previously,Chase threw in enough stuff in the final episode to support every possible ending. No matter what your take on Tony's fate,you can find sufficient "clues" to prove your position.

Kind of reminds me of the "Paul is dead" days.