Sorry to bring a 10 year old post back from the dead but I ran across this post while searching for some Italian cigar information and I could not resist making an account due to the idiotic and ignorant posts here regarding cigars.

DonFerro55.. the cigar pro? rofl wow,
If you did not like cubans, you will pretty much hate everything else. Though Cubans are strong cigars, they are the best. You must get a cigar from the Carribian though. They must be imported from the places I mentioned in above posts.

Trust me. Unless you are talking about mobsters in Italy, Mobsters in America ONLY smoke Cuban cigars. The Mafia here is into "the best"(as is the ones in Italy) and they smoke Cubans. Sorry, but Italians do not take the cake for cigar making. Hey, I'm Sicilian, so don't worry about it. All Mafia men smoke Cuban because they are the best. Trust me.

The best cigars out there are cubans. But any cigar from a place in the carribian is good. I enjoy Dominican Cigars. Some very good brands of Dominicans Monte Cristo and Romeo Y Julieta.(Note: these are originally Cuban but have a Dominican Brand so they can be brought to America) I have a real nice Walk in Humidor Cigar shop by my home here. They have a wide selection here. Other good kinda are Nigaruagran(much heavier smoke) The best creamy, mild smoke in my opinion, is almost anything from the Dominican Republic. Like I said, cubans are the best, such as Monte Cristo, Romeo Y Julieta, Macanudo(One of Tony Soprano's favorites ) and of course, Partagas.(Which Partagas will probably know more about.)

LOL there is more misinformation in these 3 statements than in entire BOOKS. Sorry bro but if you're still alive and smoke cigars I'm hoping you've learned some things? Uhg lol I apologize for being obnoxious. But this crap is pure trash and I hate seeing someone trying to educate someone else when they clearly have zero effing clue.