Originally Posted By: Toodoped
I think that it was similar to the lottery game.You have guys on the streets taking bets from various people.Millions of people bet their money on what the winning number will be.People made bets at the local grocery store, the butcher,on the street, at work, and in any number of bars, cafés, and restaurants.

Back in the days they had 100 numbered balls wich were placed in a bag.The bag was tossed from person to person at the throwing.The sack goes round in the cricle of tossers untill the time for drawing.At the time the person that holds the bag draws a numbered ball out of it and that’s the winning number.

The things is,most of the games were fixed.Tricks such as using 100 balls with the same number.Scams such as putting winning numbers on ice before the game to make them easier for the selector to find when reaching into the bag.Also the selector would hide the winning balls in his hand then 'find them' in the bag.During the throwing,the games were fixed any way the guys wanted.


Yup, of course it was rigged. Nobody ever won the top prize or a large amount of cash but it was designed that way.