the only "real" OC interaction I had was (supposedly) with the Yakuza. At least that was according to the "guide" from the modelling agency my sister was working with in Japan.

(that's why we were there. Well... that's why SHE was there, I was there because my parents insisted I go... and keeping in mind my sister is three years older than I am and far more street wise than I'll ever be [I'm the book worm of the family], but I digress.)

I've posted the story at least once and it's really not very interesting... But long story short I saw a guy in a traditional, like samurai looking kimono thing with a younger man in a suit following him with an open umbrella over his head (even though it wasn't raining, no clouds or anything). I pointed and our "guide" (I have no idea what his actual job title was, he was just there to ensure my sister got from point A to B, followed the schedule, etc) quickly shoved my hand down and said "yakuza".

He could have been having me on, I honestly have no clue. He was a younger guy, probably about the same age I am now -- 30, I was 22 (yes my parents were so concerned about their 25 year old daughter that I had to go) at the time of the trip to Tokyo -- and not at all against using our western ignorance for his own amusement.

Other than that, I was sometimes, occasionally, in the same bar as some HA guys... I was really into the local heavy metal scene many a year ago and the bar doubled as a biker hang out on the weekdays (and not usually outlaw bikers). Exciting, I know.

Last edited by slumpy; 05/06/14 08:51 PM.