Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
Everything you just talked about is already a crime- ie the crime against the rights of others. There is no absurdity at saying the drug should be legal or decriminalized- but at the point that a person, perhaps under influence of said drug, does damage to others that they be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It was like morons on fox last year talking about decriminalizing weed is going to lead to "people getting all potted up on weed and getting behind the wheel". News flash, that's already a crime and stands as a completely separate and distinct issue from the legalization argument.

That we already know people will abuse it that much more, and cause other crimes related to it, is enough to keep it illegal. Why add all those other problems to society just because a bunch of idiots want to get high?

Originally Posted By: jimmerz
Where is the victim? You're attributing the crime that accompanies addiction and high priced narcotics to the consumption of drugs. This crime is a already rampant, what's going to solve it?

Do you have any clue how many white collar and affluent members of society "self medicate" on a daily basis? Again, where are the victims?

Anyone can find anecdotal examples where there is no apparent victim. But if you look at the big picture of the cost of drugs on society, the legions of victims are very apparent.

Originally Posted By: jimmerz
Anyways, my point is laws, incarceration, and the current attitude towards this issue has done nothing to curb the flow of and availability of narcotics. 40 years of failed drug policy, wouldn't you say it's time to try a different approach?

It's only failed because it's not enforced correctly. I realize some people want to lay that at the feet of law enforcement, who they believe "need" the drug trade to justify many of their jobs. I lay it at the feet of liberalism that keeps us from doing what it would take to truly stop the drug trade. Something similar to the approach they take in Malasia or China, coupled with our special forces going into Mexico and wiping out the cartels. It's ironic because the same liberal thinking that claims we should legalize drugs because the War on Drugs has failed is the reason for the failure in the first place.

Originally Posted By: jimmerz
Let me try this approach.... marijuana was put on this earth by "god", just like Apple trees were. Does this mean "god" is fallible afterall?

He is no more responsible for marijuana or it's abuse than He is for smog, earthquakes, or traffic jams. Those are all part of the Fall of Adam, which led to the Fall of all creation to a lower order. But I digress.

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