Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Moe_Tilden
How did Irish Americans do so well for themselves? They didn't have any criminal organisations looking out for them? Similar profile to the Italians too. Not as privileged as the German or English immigrants. Come to think of it, how did the Jews do so well for themselves also?

They didn't cry about discrimination. They sacrificed to educate their children. And today their grandchildren and great grandchildren are reaping the benefits of that assimilation and upward mobility.

The implication of what you wrote is that..Jews,Irish and Italians did things that Blacks didn't or don't do.

Well, you're partially correct. There WAS an implication to what I wrote. I won't deny that. But it wasn't about Blacks.

It was about the newer immigrants who come here and refuse to learn the language, do nothing but complain about discrimination, and curse this country all while living off the government tit.

If that makes me a cranky old White guy, so be it. But the original implication certainly wasn't against Blacks. Blacks were in this country 200 years before my grandparents were, and I haven't lost sight of that.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.