LOL they'll never change. It's been around for 800+ years and still going strong.

Either way the new Papa is Southern Italian or was born there, despite the way the way the Church and he want to claim he was "born in Flores B.A." when that's a lie...but the church has been lying since it's inception. The sex abuse thing that had been going on for awhile and lied about for a long time is just wrong and inexcusable.

The new Padre supported the kidnapping, torture, and murder of innocent civilians in the 70s during a dictatorship in Argentina.

But none of the popes (besides St. Peter) are innocent and the Vatican is the most corrupt place in the world.

The PerĂ³ns and many other Argentinian leaders have adopted certain Italian customs.

They invite people over for dinner, and then gave them a kiss on the cheek.

Let's just say that the "dinner guests" never were invited to eat anywhere again! lol

Last edited by cornuto_e_contento; 05/04/14 05:09 PM.