Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
Originally Posted By: jonnynonos
I find it very interesting that the Outfit here in Chicago doesn't kill people anymore. Obviously a lot of the posters disagree with me, but I still wonder how you keep a large, clandestine criminal network under control without the use of murder.

For these guys to make a lot of money you have to have a lot of criminals kicking up and what on earth is there to stop them from making a deal if they have no fear of getting killed.

People say "well they still beat you up," well, who the f**k cares.

I think that is a pretty telling development and IMO speaks to greatly diminished activity.

I think it's possible they've become a little smarter and figured out ways to circumvent violence but at the end of the day I don't really see how a large-scale mob operation functions without murder.

My two cents.

I think you have answered your own question. Activity is way down over historical levels for the outfit. People that try to explain it (no indictments, no murders, no violence) by this super complex, ultra secrecy that even the best guys in NY could never get even close to, I have to laugh.

Plus to relate to the discussion above, the demographics and neighborhoods of chicago, is how should I say, not favorable to the outfit and its future.

Totally agreed.

I have written longer posts saying the same things you guys are discussing here, but just don't want to repeat myself. But obviously demographics, just a changing world (college vs. the mob!), changing cities, better law enforcement, etc etc etc, the future IMO is not very bright for the mob.