Originally Posted By: NNY78

You have your finger on the pulse of what is going on in the old neighborhoods and I would guess with the older generations in and outside of that life as well. What are they saying about how the mafia has transformed and imploded from within over the years? While I don't share my Mom's view on the Mafia I can understand why she feels that way given what was happening during that time period 00's to 30's. My Grandpa and His Father being what they were shielded us from the crime and violence that they were committing against other ethnic groups and Italians associated with the life, but more importantly to my Mom the discrimination that was taking place at that time against the Italians and other immigrant groups that made life very difficult for all of us. My Mom will occasional talk about how the Mafia helped the community but rarely mention that my Great Grandpa was tossed out of a window in the Hotel Syracuse by a rival for not sharing the wealth and on two occasions rivals tried to kill my Grandpa.I really enjoyed how well that family dynamic was portrayed in the Godfather. Just wondering what your thoughts are and what hearing up there from the really old timers that are still around?

What sort of viewpoints does your mother have about la famiglia, or Italian OC?

Personally I think that all OC groups are best avoided being around or having anything to do with, or going into debt with...unless the person wants a premature violent death. crazy

Last edited by cornuto_e_contento; 04/30/14 04:17 AM.