One thing that struck me almost immediately when I heard about Sterling's comments was the hypocrisy on the Left.

You'll recall back during the Clinton fiasco with Monica Lewinsky, many lefties defended Clinton by saying that his personal flings didn't affect his ability to be U.S. president.

Now, one could make the same argument here - that Sterling's bonehead (and rather bizarre) racial beliefs don't really affect his ability to be the owner of an NBA team, little of which goes beyond writing checks.

While not defending Sterling's comments, it just goes to show the selective moral outrage in our society today, particularly by politically-correct driven liberals. They don't much value on fidelity in marriage so Clinton being an adulterer was no big deal to them. Being a racist, however, is almost worse than being child-molester in their book so they were out for a pound of flesh in this case.

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