@GaryMartin,no problem man,its my pleasure.

@goldhawkroad,yes McGurn started his criminal carrier on the North Side and was connected not just with the italian gangs but also with the irish.Most sources say that he became a gangster out of revenge for his fathers death(allegedly he was killed by black hand extortionists).Torrio came to Chicago in the mid 1910's to help Big Jim in exterminating the Black Handers and i think thats the time period when McGurn first worked as a hitman(in the Circus gang)and after that in the period of 1923-25 he joined the Capone mob as a made member.

As for the Gennas...i dont think that they had any jurisdiction over the Circus gang.They started as a black hand gang on Taylor street and later they expanded their operations on their own.Plus i think that the Gennas were not Capone's favorite gang,because there are rumours that McGurn did some of the Genna hits.(allegedly on some of the victims the cops found a coin in their hands wich was McGurns sign)

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good