GF1 really missed the boat when it centered the story around Michael and Vito Corleone.

A much more compelling story could have been fashioned after the nurse in the hospital who helps Michael move his father when men are coming to kill him. We should have followed her life as a put upon trauma nurse, handling patients and their families with a firm but human touch, providing care for the sick, providing support for their families. Her life was surely more colorful and unpredictable than the lives of mafioso. Did she even have time for personal relationships? How was her relationship with her own parents; were they estranged or did they support her in her noble pursuits of helping humanity? How did she unwind after a hard day, did she have a drink with friends or just go home to an empty house? Was it poignant when she plopped down in front of the TV and fell asleep, alone, a half empty bottle of wine on the coffee table?

Other than that, I can't think of much I would have changed.