I would like to have seen a film, or maybe an extended portion of one of the existing films, that tells the Corleone family story in detail during the period from about 1925 - 1945 - roughly the time that Godfather II leaves us with the story of a young Vito having become a successful Mustache Pete in "the olive oil business"...to the point in time where Godfather I begins: With the establishment of new sources of revenue, the contours of the growing Coreleone empire, the politics, power struggles & wars with rival families, and the internal family dynamics as they developed between & among Vito, Carmela, Santino, Fredo, Connie, Michael & Tom.

(BTW, does anyone else think that Vito, as portrayed by Robert DeNiro during the early Twenties, had aged terribly by the time we catch up with him again in the mid Forties, as portrayed by Marlon Brando? I mean, at the time of Connie's wedding in 1945, Vito was only 53 years old. Yet he looked at least 15 years older than that, even more. Maybe the hard life he had lived had taken a serious toll upon him?)

I would also liked to have seen a lot more detail about Vito's early life in New York's Little Italy - that whole stretch from maybe about 1905 - 1925. I found what was contained in Godfather II to be fascinating. Just superbly done "period piece" film making.

Last edited by Questadt; 04/28/14 08:55 AM.

"A lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns."