This is a topic me and my dad have had many times
this week(The Godfather marathon Thanks HBO). Let's be honest we all know that no matter how much we love a movie/ show there's always something we didn't agree with or that irritated us. That we wish would had been different or changed.

-For me I'd have Rocco take the place of Fedro.

-Apollonia would had been seriously wounded but not killed(leaving Michael bent on revenge either way).

- Don Vito Corleone would had lived to at least move to Nevada and then causing a "Godfather 1 1/2" to occur to see how he consuls Mike (We didn't really get to see enough of that in the first one).

-Years after Mike came back to New York with his new Wife. While Kay shops she spots him in the department store with his new family Christmas shopping. *Evil Laugh* I am such a stinker.

So list your dislikes, disagreements, wishful thinking's below.

If you could rewrite/film it what would you change?

“We live in such a special time when literally anything we can think of is possible.”
― Daniel Willey