Philip Carlo on Casso and De Cicco's relationship.

Casso was a handsome man; striking; cute. He was fastidious in his grooming; meticulous; scrupulous even. He had affairs with many Russian models but Lilian was the only person he ever truly loved. "I fucked a lot of women but they never meant shit to me. Lilian was the only woman I ever cared about." Casso opined. De Cicco was in Casso's firing line. Casso was still fuming over Jimmy Hydell's attempt on his life. Seething; raging even. De Cicco was going to pay for this. De Cicco was not as clever as Casso. Casso made more money and was tougher. Casso ordered the hit. Patsy boss Vic Amuso was in the car with brother Bobby and Herbie Pate. Amuso told Pate to press the switch that would trigger the bomb. Casso lambasted Amuso. Chastised him; harangued him even. "I am the real boss." Casso said to Amuso as Vic cowered in the seat. "Yes boss." Amuso replied, trembling in fear. Casso composed himself and ordered Pate to press the switch. Casso had a square jaw. He was so handsome; virile; balls the size of cantaloupes. He had....

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