Gaetano Milano is consider a rat I guess because he denauced the mafia at his sentencing which is wht they all do today he did 27yrs. he was a rising star in the mob I guess he didn't rat on people but he told the judge why he killed billy grasso. I think grasso wouldn't let any of the ct and western mass patriarca guys go see joe russo who was consig at the time. so the springfield patriarca guys and the boston guys with the help of the Genovese guys rocked him to sleep. he thought he was going to a sit down on Worcester with carlo mastro. over a vending machine dispute. theres only I think 2 or3 made guys in Worcester and 1 in springfield. anthoyn fucked that crew up. stupid mistake killing al Bruno should have shelfed him then nigro ok the guys to beat felix ive never heard of that before. felix testified he was made at a house in springfield so I wonder if chin fat tony and bobby manna made the trip. when Bruno became capo in 02 the top guys went to springfield nigro DeLuca and a couple others.