Never posted on here before but came across this site while doing a search. AA did get one of the stiffer sentences. Why? No one but the but the judge knows that. He gave them more than Artie though. He gave up a body that had been a cold case for years. He gave them numerous other bits of info that had lead to other arrests as well. And he was truthful and credible. He's done over 4 years. He's only got about 2 and some change left. Yea, he pretty much had 3 bodies and in the grand scheme of things did get a good deal. And the victim impact speech? Full of lies. And all that biblical crap?? I got 4 words...practice what you preach. It will be awhile to find a good boss in Springfield considering more than half of the 'candidates' are cooperators themselves. Only difference is, they did it from the street. Snakes.