
When Yusef Hawkins got killed running away from that mob in Bensonhurst, Sharpton led a march through that area .

News cameras captured images that aren't that different from those old images in the deep south in little rock, ark, or alabama.
Microphones captured comments from protesters that could have been straight from 1980s South African whites.

I always assumed that many Americans of Italian background didn't care for Sharpton because he helped expose some of prejudice....for the world to see.

I think people are using smokescreens and being disingenuous.

The Australian man who was killed in the Crown Heights riots? The guy who did it was convicted....and mayor Dinkins had a terrible response to the riots. He as the sitting mayor is more to blame than anyone except the guy who did the stabbing.

Sharpton is guilty of some very public fuckups but the guy who stabbed the Australian man is THE one responsible for that death...and the mayor's inaction is what allowed the rioting and violence to go on fo ras long as it did.