“I won’t see you for a while. I gotta go,I got a fuckin hit,” -Chicago Outfit hitman Frank Schweihs was caught on a secret government wiretap telling an undercover informant.

"Bigger ones . . . Big, big bearings. So them, them will fuckin tear half your body apart. Oh yeah. Tore 'em up bad. Them'll tear your body up. They're called double-oughts." -Transcripts of secretly recorded statements of Chicago mob hitman Frank Calabrese Sr. who was charged with killing 13 people for the mob.

Mafia hitmen consider killing as a profession and most of them are contract killers or assassins, also known as “button men”.Some of em were/are the most vile and bloodthirsty individuals enforcing the rule of Mafia "justice".Real-life bogeymen that struck fear in the heart's of victims or would-be victims that don’t have feelings for another man’s life. They don’t have problems with religion or nationality,they will kill everyone for the cash or in some cases to make their bones(some of them can be made or just stay as associates of the mob).Back in the days hitmen squads used to accept murder contracts from mob bosses all around the United States.In some cases if the killers were caught, the mob would hire the best lawyers for their defence and in some cases if the killers were caught,they became marked men.Even the governments around the world are known for training their own secret assassins or hitmen(there are rumours that in the old days the government used to hire mafia hitmen).There are also examples when police officers are working as hitmen for the mob.All started during the 20’s and 30’s when murder became business and the new crime syndicate in the U.S. at the time it forbided murder for personal or romantic reasons, or even for revenge(with out permission from the bosses).The mafia hitmen usually do jobs on informants,thives,witnesses,rivals etc… These are also non-Mafia killings, or attempted killings, that involved a hitman. In some of these cases the hitman may not be necessarily a professional but a paid amateur.

Here are some of the steps and examples of hitman activites and methods:

Step 1. Mafia bosses put out contracts to their underbosses or capo’s and once the contract is recived,the next stage involves finding their best hitman and negotiating the contract on how the murder will be performed and wich method will be used and ofcourse payment,if needed.

Step 2. Now the contract killer takes a series of steps in planning the killing and to preapre.For example,arranging transportation to do the hit and to leave the crime scene fast like “hit and run”.

-Al Capone had his own hitmobile.A 1930 Cadillac Series 452 V-16 Armored Imperial Sedan Chassis with a few tons of weight.

-For example Chicago's Miilwaukee Phil's infamous hitmoble.He was credited with at least 13 or 14 hits for the Outfit, Alderisio's real claim to fame was the designing of the so-called "hitmobile.",a vehicle for committing homicide that included switches that would turn off front or rear lights to confuse police tailers and a secret compartment in the backseat that held an impressive collection of weapons and torture devices.In 1962, Chicago newspapers coined the term “Hit car” after a patrolman spotted gangsters Milwaukee Phil Aldersio and Chuckie Nicoletti, noted hitmen at the time,crouched on the floor of a hit car parked on a dark street. When officers searched the car they found several secret compartments filled with rifles, shot guns and pistols. Both Mobsters were dressed in black hats, black coats and pants and black shoes and said they were laying on the floor of the car while they waited for a friend.

-When Outfit boss Sam Giancana was a teenager he was in a ruthless gang called the 42’s.They were involved in murder and petty crimes.When the gang was on a mission Sam was usually in the getaway car,waitting.After the hit was done,Sam had a good getaway method with a fast car and the ability to "whip" corners on two wheels by fast speed.

-Also black vans for transporting victim’s bodies to another location where another crew is waiting to do the burial for example.

Step 3. A hitman has to choose his weapon of choice.He also has to be skilled in using weapons like gun, rope, knife, or ice pick.Most mob killings involve the use of small caliber handguns fired at close range.

-For example,Chicago Outfit hitman Sam Annerino was known for carrying a hitman ‘s emergency kit in his car trunk.Things like surgical gloves,gun with a fingerprint resistant tape,knife,garrote,wire,first aid kit.flashlight,lockpicks etc.

Some of the weapons and methods of choice:

The ice pick
is one of the oldest and favortite tool for gangsters.Its been used since the 20's till now.It can be found in many stores and ofcourse its legal...also the ice pick,was often used to conceal the cause of death.By sticking the ice pick into the ear of the victim it was possible to scramble the brains and make the death look very much like cerebral hemorrhage.Back in the days the small puncture wound often went "unnoticed" by authorities.Two ways of doing it with an ice pick....skull stab wound and double hit kill.The skull wound is by sticking the ice pick from the behind of the victims head and the double hit kill is by stabbing the victim two times in the kidneys.

-For example in the 20's and 30's a Brooklyn organized-crime syndicate, known as Murder Incorporated, found a sinister use for the ice pick.Back then, mobsters used ice picks not only because the tool was easy to get and did the job, with a needlelike shaft that, unlike a knife, could glide around bones and puncture organs, but also because an ice pick instilled fear. Pittsburgh Phil Strauss had a suitcase packed with a shirt, change of socks, underwear and an ice pick,rumored to be his favorite "work tool".

-Outfit hitman and loanshark Mad Sam DeStefano's favorite things to do was shove a debtor into a telephone booth and jam an icepick into the man's stomach threatening to finish the job if he didn't get the money owed him.

Strangulation, achieved by hand, piano wire, or rope.Also torturing the victim by looping a rope around his neck and feet. Everytime the victim moved the rope got tighter to his neck, leading to suffocation. Latest choice is by smothering the victim with a pillow or to strangling him with a wide piece of cloth, such as a bath towel or in worst case strangling the vitcim with bare hands or give the guy a neckbreak.

-For example in 1939 Walter Sage, a slot machine racketeer and former Murder Inc. member, who had been ice picked over 32 times before being thrown in the river. Police discovered his corpse in the Catskills with the ropes still round his neck and feet.

-In 1939 Murder Inc’s Mendy Weiss choked to death longshoreman Peter Panton with his bare hands.

-Also in August 1961,at the Flatbush cocktail lounge,Larry Gallo was almost garroted to death by a fellow mafiosi hitmen.

The Knives, sometimes used to slit a throat quickly, sometimes used to slowly torture victims.Mostly used are the butterfly and the switch blade knives The knife is a quite messy weapon.

-For example on February 24, 1974 Socrates “Sam” Rantis, age 43, a counterfeiter, was found with his throat slashed and with puncture wounds in his chest in the trunk of his wife’s car at O’Hare International Airport.Rumours are that Outfit hitman Harry Aleman did the job.

-Also on January 9 1978 Chicago mob boss Tony Accardo received a phone call that someone had broken into his home.Accardo wasn't the type of guy you made fun of, and the burglars would find out...very soon.Vincent Moretti and Donald Swanson have been badly tortured and also had their throats slashed.On February 20 police discovered the body of John Mendell, the man who could defeat most burglar alarms and who was believed to be the mastermind behind the burglary had also been tortured before his throat had been slashed.Rumours are that Tony Spilotro did the hits.

-In the infamous 1962 Chicago M&M murders done by Tony Spilotro and other mob killers including Butch Petrocelli,Felix “Milwaukee Phil” Alderisio and Chuckie Nicoletti,Some of these men tortured Billy McCarthy to find out the name of his accomplice. Spilotro had placed the man's head in an industrial vice and started squeezing it tighter and tighter. Suddenly, McCarthy's eye popped completely out of its socket and in the end they slashed his throat.Story goes that Chuckie Nicoletti was eating pasta when Billy's eye popped out.

Guns.The most common method is by shooting with guns, of all sorts, the Thompson submachine gun and the Tommy gun were by far the most famous of Syndicate weaponry and also snipers,revolvers and silencers.

-For example on June 20 1947 Bugsy Siegel was shot from a long range with a .30 caliber army rifle and 3 or 4 bullets ended up in Bugsy's head.

-Also in newest times on November 10, 2010,Nick Rizzuto was killed by a sniper who snuck up to his house through a forested area and shot him through double-paned glass with a high-powered rifle, killing him instantly.

Other guns used by hitmen or assassins:
- .22 LR Ruger MKII(victims can be easily silenced), .38 Snub Nosed and .44 Caliber revolvers(doesn’t eject cartridges and good damage rate),Mossberg 500(very good shotgun and if sawed off its easy to hide),sawed off double barrel shotgun(easy to hide and one infamous mobster used to carry it with him a lot,Chicago mobster Sam Golfbag Hunt)

-Example is when on January 16, 1975 Carlo DeVivo a known mob enforcer and loanshark, was gunned down by shotgun and pistol fire as he walked out of his home at 3631 North Nora Avenue. Shot a total of 6 times,3 times to the head and 3 times to the body. There wasn’t much left of his head and rumours are that Harry Aleman was one of the hitmen.

Bombs are also sometimes the weapon of choice and also one of the oldest methods. A bomb can be defined like a compact and portable device, which can kill one person or one million,depending on the “material” that used for the bomb. Since the end of the 19th and the begining of the 20th century the use of bombs was a very otften weapon of choice by the criminal gangs. Bombs also came in handy in convincing some businesses to accept the right beer and booze during Prohibition and others to come through with protection money. But, by the mid- 1930s the custom fell into general disuse on a wholesale basis; bombings attracted more attention and public uproar than the politicians and police could ignore.

-For example,in the late 1920’s there was a political war between corrupt candidates called “The Pineapple Primary” during the elections that were held in Illinois on April 10, 1928. The campaign was marked by numerous acts of violence, mostly in Chicago and elsewhere in Cook County. In the six months prior to the primary election, 62 bombings took place in the city, and at least 15 people died,including two politicians. It was dubbed "The Pineapple Primary" because of the bombs that were used resembled as large pineapples.Bombs exploding at night became a Chicago tradition.

-Also in March 1975 Alex "Shondor" Birns was blown up by a bomb containing C-4, a potent military explosive in the lot behind Christy's Lounge, in Cleveland.Birns was blown several feet through the roof of the car and his torso landed near the passenger door.During that war period between the Cleveland mob and Danny Greene,40 car bombings exploded in Cleveland.

Sorts of explosives that can be used for assassination(some are handmade):
-ANFO(cheap and good explosive)
-ANNM(very powerful explosive)
-AP Putty(combination of many different explosives)
-Incediary Brick(handmade bomb with many shrapnels)
-Lightbulb bomb

Poisoning is the choice for a silent murder.

-The use of cyanide was very often, since it killed quickly and was hard to detect in a toxicology test.It may be administered by injection or by putting it on a person's food, by aerosol spray, or by simply spilling it on the victim's skin.

- During the 40’s James Ragen was overseeing the day to day office operations for the Nationwide News Service,the sole distributors of racetrack and other gambling results nationwide and shortly he faced pressure from the Chicago Outfit.So one day while driving down State Street, Ragen was ambushed at Pershing Road and was seriously wounded in the arms and legs by a shotgun blast from hitmen on June 24, 1946.Still alive he was taken to a nearby hospital and on August 15,he was “mysteriously” poisoned with a dose of mercury.

-Theres an old legend that in the old days Mafia hitmen dipped their bullets in garlic oil,so if the shot didn't kill them the infection from garlic oil by poisoning the blood will,but I really don’t know how true is that because no one dies from a small dose of garlic oil but….

Other poisons that can be used(also easy to find) are antifreeze,poison ivy,oleander and also nicotine.

Step 4. Next step is locating and identifying the target.Stalking is the step where the hitman learns the every day activities of the target.

-For example mafia hitman Ray Ferritto stalked Irish mobster Danny Greene for several months until he saw his chance to go for the kill.

Step 5. The previous step allows to find the killing location and what time the target will be at this location.

-Also Ray Ferritto had tapped the phone of his target(Danny Greene) and was aware of the time of his every day visits and movements and it was easy for him to pick a perfect spot.

Step 6. The actual carrying out of the contract is the next step.

-For example im goin to give(my favorite)the infamous Dutch Shultz hit. Two of Murder, Inc.'s best hitmen would be required for this job.Guys like Mendy Weiss and Charlie "The Bug" Workman.Legend goes that Weiss stayed by the door of the restaurant that Shultz and his gang were staying.Than like in the action movies, Workman strolled through the diner and went to the men's room in the back. He opened the door and saw a man washing his hands and opened fire(allegedly it was Dutch Shultz).The man dropped on the floor and than The Bug emerged from the bathroom,moved to where Schultz and his gang had been meeting and started shooting.He murdered Lulu Rosencrantz,a chauffeur, Abbadabba Berman,numbers expert and Al Landau, an enforcer for Schultz.There are other rumours that Mandy Weiss did the hit and that there was a beef between the two hitmen but that’s another story…

-Another example is death from falling.like pushing the target from his home,hotel or office window(or in some cases down the stairs).Like the infamous Abe Reles case.Rumours are that the cops who wached Reles were paid by the mob to throw Reles from the window of his hotel room because of his mob status as a "stool pigeon"

-Another method is “Taken for a ride”.It involves kidnapping of the target and placing him in to a car and than taking him for a ride to a nice quiet spot and do the hit. If you are taken for a ride, chances are you won't be coming back(but not in all cases). In 1929, Lucky Luciano was taken for a ride and was left for dead but made it and also in October 1964, Joe Bonanno was allegedly taken for a ride and also survived.

-Also there was the infamous "handshake hit" method,when two men do a "friendly greeting" by shaking hands with the target and put bullet's in his body.Like the hit performed on Dean O’Banion in the 1920’s.

“First make’em talk” situations:

-Also there are situations when the hitman has to take information before killing the target so first he kidnappes the victim and than uses a lot of different torture technics like the “Necklacing”.Also known as 'Horse Collaring, is the torture carried out by forcing a rubber tire, filled with petrol, around a victim's chest and arms, and setting it on fire. The victim may take up to 20 minutes to die(so theres enough time to ask few questions), suffering severe burns in the process.

-Anthony Casso in the role of hitman,shot Jimmy Hydell 15 times as he tried to extract information about other members of the hit team. In the end he shot Hydell in the head.

Other methods for extracting informations(without pain & torture):

-Breaking alliances for example is when you have to convince the target that hes rejected from his own group so later the target will give up the other members from his group.

Step 7. Now the situation depends if the hit had to be carried out in public and leave the body of the victim on the spot(sometimes with a "message")or the infamous tactic "no body no crime" where the hitman carries out the hit on a isolated location and the body of the victim vanishes(for example buried,chopped up or acid baths). Sometimes this step can also accquire for some additional help.

-For example Roy DeMeo's gang would take their victim's body and hung over a bathtub and drain the blood before it was dismembered and the parts buried in undisclosed locations.The exact number of contracts that DeMeo and his gang carried out may never be known.One of the crew, Chris Rosenberg is famous for his unauthorized fuckup by killing few columbian drug dealers over a drug deal.After this the columbians wanted revenge and everything fell on Roy Demeo.On May 11, 1979,Chris sat on the table with his associates,DeMeo pulled a pistol and shot Chris in the head,wounding but not killing him. After that Anthony Senter finished the job.Rosenberg's body was not dismembered or made to disappear.The Colombians had demanded that his murder make the papers otherwise they would not believe it had actually occurred.Roy's men placed Rosenberg's body in his car and riddled it with bullets to send a message.

-Joe Colombo's father Anthony Colombo,was a Cosa Nostra soldier who was found dead in car on a public place together with his mistress with his dick cut off and placed in his mouth.It was a sign that he was fooling around with another made guy's wife.

-One of the favorite methods for the Mob of disposing of a body was to place it in a 55-gallon oil drum or placing the body in the trunk of a car and having it crushed in a junkyard.Also one of the common method’s of disposal is to dissolve the bodies of victims in vats of sulfuric acid( researchers placed pieces of pig carcasses in sulfuric acid, the flesh took several days to dissolve).

-Also one of the oldest tricks was the “cement shoes” method.Usually the victim stood in a tub of cement until it hardened about his feet, and then was thrown alive into deep waters.

-Murder, Inc., had its own graveyard in Lyndhurst,New Jersey, in a chicken yard.

-Sometimes the hitmen can store corpses in a freezer in order to throw off the exact time of death.

Step 8. Intelligent disposal of murder weapon

-For example,some times the profesional killers drop their knives or guns at the scene of the crime because they don't want to be caught with the weapon while fleeing the scene. If they've taken precautions to keep the weapon from being traced back to them, it won't be much help to the police. In that case, it's better to leave it for the cops.Only a criminal who is completely confident that his weapon can't be traced would abandon it. In this case, his chances of being connected with the weapon are so low that he's more worried about running into law enforcement during the getaway.Also a killer who drops his weapon better be sure it's free of incriminating clues like fingerprints and DNA.Like the serial number on guns poses another problem; it can trace the gun's life story, from when and where it was manufactured to who bought the weapon from which dealer. A killer might try to destroy the etched code by drilling or sanding it away. (In some cases, the police can recover the number by applying chemical reagents to the metal surface.) If the gun is stolen, the serial number could lead cops down the wrong path, but a disciplined criminal would probably remove it just to be safe.

Step 9. The the next task is collecting the fee from the action.

-For example back in the days the killers were paid a regular salary as retainer as well as an average fee of $1,000 to $5,000 per killing.In some cases if something happends to the hitmen,their families also received monetary benefits.Today goes from 15.000$ to 1 mil$,ofcourse it depends on the target and I belive there are no family benefits if terminated.

Step 10. And final,a hitman always has a plenty of alibi's. Sometimes this step can also accquire for some additional help by another person because if you are a suspect you need some1 to tell the cops that you was in contact with him/her during the time of the assassination.

-For example Chicago Outfit hitman Jack McGurn was famous for his “Blondie alibi”. McGurn was suspected of being the principal gunner and planner of the St. Valentines Day Massacre. Jack was arrested on suspicion of his involvement in the Massacre but the charges against him had to be dropped when his girlfriend, showgirl Louise Rolfe, swore that Jack had been with her at the time of the killings. The newspapers dubbed Rolfe "The Blonde Alibi". According to police McGurn killed anywhere from 25 to 28 people during his time with the Capone mob.

Other kinds of alibi’s:
-if you have like an internet accountmyou need a another person to stay at your home and chat on the internet while you do the assassination.

This article is completed from various infos that can be found on the internet and its for entertainment only.cheers

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good