Originally Posted By: americafyeah
lucas and toole were in fact apart of a satanic cult in mexico called the Hand of Death. this cult still exists, today they are known as The Hand with Eyes. it's not over the top and its not BS. the reality is there are 1,000's of daily murders carried out in the most grisly fashion by this cult for the purpose of organ trafficking, and done in the name of Satan.
Mano con Ojos is a drug cartel,not a Satanic cult.If you are going to make extraordinary claims,then I think the least that can be expected is some supporting documentation or an info source to support the following allegations.

1) Henry Lucas and Ottis Toole were "in fact" members of a Satanic cult in Mexico.
2)Thousands of murders committed EVERY day.We're talking a MINIMUM of 750,000 murders every year.
3)These murders are done to facilitate organ trafficking.
4)These murders are done "in the name of Satan".