Doing some reading on al sharpton, Don king. The NOI comes up quite often in the background in some form or another. Theres a number of accounts of them having had encounters with organised crime and also participating in it not saying there all criminals or anything.

A lot of the philadelphia black mafia back in day were connected to the local NOI mosque and i think a cop once killed in a harlem mosque in front of louis farrakhan and they never actually convicted anyone of it.

Also found this a while back about their involvement in boxing.,2214403

There was also this more public incident when a member of NOI assaulted a capos son with a shovel. Sorry about any spelling or grammar mistakes i copied and pasted it from the site.
Rosario Coccliiaro, on 5 24 64. was assaulted with a shovel by Matthew
Shumate,a Newark Nation of Islam | sub-ject | the Black Muslims consider them-selves a sect of the Nation of Islam) and suffered broken ribs and a collapsed lung.
Rosario was hospitalized until 5 26 66 Rosario and Shumate had a fight at a construction Job In the Elizabeth. N J. area.The DeCavaleante "family" was Initiallyinfuriated by Shumates action due to Rosario's father. Frank Cocchlaro. being a DeCavalcante "family" member. Prank asked for "satisfactlon" and meetings were held to determine the family's retaliation measures It was
decided at first that Shumate would be physically beaten. Then It was
decided that Shumate was to be murdered with a knife to make It look like a "ni**er Job." It was also considered to murder Shumate by using a pistol, due to Malcolm X being murdered by this method. In back of all this murderous Intent was the specter of the N O I. learning that Shumate would have been murdered by the DeCavaleante family and the possibility that the N.0.1. might retaliate in vengeance and cause an all-out war in the Elizabeth. N J . area. DeCavaleante finally decided to let this Incident "cool off” for a month’s time and persuaded the Interested DeCavaleante family's members to wait for this period of

DeCavaleante met with Frank Majuri, his underboss, on 6 1 65. and at this time DeCavalcante said he had met with Carlo Gamblno that day and had told Carlo of this matter. Gamblno told DeCavaleante that a La Cosa Nostra member can ask for satisfaction In such an Instance, but he doesn't have to get it If there ls a risk of destroying the borgata | family | Based on what DeCavaleante told him. Gamblno recommended that any retaliation be held up for two to three months
DeCavaleante and Majurl. from their conversation now appear to be quite ready to hold retaliation in this matter In abeyance or forgetting about It altogether.

From what was said, they believe Rosario might have avoided this trouble as he started the fight and Majurl said Rosario wasn’t Injured that severely
Furthermore they said Shumate, being a Negro, wouldn’t know about showing respect to DeCavalcante family members or their children. Majurl asked DeCavaleante he had told Frank Cocchlaro of Gamblnos suggestion in this matter DeCavaleante said he hadn't.
DeCavaleante probably would have permitted almost Instantaneous retaliation
against Shumate If he wasn't a Muslim member. Frank Cocchiaro, not
Immediately known if this ls the Frank Cocchlaro known to be a capo in the DeCavaleante family or a relative of his, had met with DeCavalcante family members on 5'7/66, and told DeCavilcante that he and/or Rosario are willing to retaliate against Shumate on their own. Frank Cocchlaro said that if
didn't want to bring trouble on any other DeCavaleante family member as he considered this matter to be a personal threat. DeCavaleante told him that he wouldn't permit Cocchlaro to handle any retaliation
measure alone.
The following logged by an F.B.l. agent on May 27. 1965: Sam asks Frank (Majurl | "What do you think?" "Do you think we should go all in? ’ They are still concerned with the fact that he |Shumate | ls a Black Muslim. They are thinking about potssibly using Corky to pose as a cop and bring the guy out on suspicion of narcotics because he is a narcotics addict.
Frank suggests that they wait a little while to see how the compensation case
!Rosario's) works out and the stories that come out. In case the guy Is knocked off It might look like a case of vengence If anyone told the real story about the beating.
On June 3. 1965. NK 2461-C• reported the following outcome to the Rosario-Shumate incident.

Concerning the Shumate affair, Larry Wolfson, DeCavalcante's business partner asked DeCavaleante what would be done In retribution for his [Shumate) having hit "that kid" (Rosario| with a shovel. Sam replied. "You can't do nothing to him."