pmac & Sonny :This will not tell what the out come of Frank was but just a little info.
Phil some how is picking and choosing what he tells.He changed things and left things out.
I have been around a long time and some how he always comes out on top.
I don't know if is to make him look better or what.
But what he told here and a few things when they would meet with the N.Y. guys have been twisted.I don't get it cos he is an admitted murderer.
This was done when he would talk about Pepe Leva he gives up people but don't give up who killed him,and he knows.
Now from the get go back then as soon as we got the news we (the guys on the block knew)I can only say that he was a real important rat and the FEDS let him pick and choose how and what he told.
So many more things people don't catch cos unless they were around they would not know,I guess he just comes to the top again.

Last edited by Serpiente; 04/06/14 06:13 AM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."