I live up here in mass with all the generfaction or whatever that word is wont that help the mafia. it like revese white flite. now rich white people want to live in the worst parts of the city. fuck the colombos in Brooklyn must be in heaven. havnt they started like kicking the black people out the projects and turning them into condos. the projects in coney island could be nice ocean front condo's. its real dangerous part of nyc rite. mob in nyc aint going nowhere they just adapting to the new new York. herion around here is jus killing aton of people there cutting it with fenital or some shit. the domincans got it on lock. its like 60 bucks a gram and that can get 2 or 3 people high all day crazy. I been to so many funeral for people under 40. the unleashed all the oxy 80tys and then took them off the market shit a 20 dollar bag of dope is like a lot of oxy.