Originally Posted By: dude
Originally Posted By: carmela
Because a lot of these guys on here know me and have seen my facebook, see that I speak sicilian with all family members from Sicily on a daily basis, and are familiar with my husband, etc etc.

I hope you didn't misunderstand, I wasn't attacking your credibility or anything just making a point that a lot of folks like me don't know you and take everything that we read online with a grain of salt.

Maybe the TheArm is full of it, I don't know, but like most posters here I can take what he says and use it as a leaping point to do further research that I learn from.

Dude...go back to the post where I answered her request to post something in Sicilian, and put it in a search engine, you will find it is indeed Sicilian, hers you most likely wont, because she speaks in a dialect that is highly localized

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.