Originally Posted By: dude
Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies

this board is the first that pops up in a wide variety of mob-related searches which means alot of people looking to get their feet wet will join and look to learn stuff. this is very problematic when you have a known delusional fool like the mope in question spewing all kinds of nonsense. look, we have a guy who makes the most outlandish claims with no other justification other than his word. there is no way to verify anything he says, so he has a convenient and lazy way out. it's similar to the town loser who claims to have a girlfriend that lives in another state, yet nobody has ever seen her. when confronted, the same deflection oriented tactics are used.

the guy is arguing about italian dialects with somebody who's husband is from sicily. someone who has spent a a considerable amount of time over there, yet he knows best. lol if you claim that it was your first language then are outed as a fraud, why should anyone believe anything you say about anything else, especially when those same claims are so outlandish? the arm has about as much credibilty as president soetoro. only true idiots incapable of independent thought looking to hear what they want to hear entertain any of his foolishness.

Ok so why feed him then if thats the case? If you feed a stray it tends to stick around, you feed a troll then likewise. And no offense to Carmella, I am sure she is totally honest, however this is the internet how do we know those claims are true? I am not doubting just saying. Its the same thing. I don't know sicilian, hell I am not even Italian lol so how do I know who is right? Do you speak/read Italian? If not how do you know who is right besides who you judge to be more credible? I am not saying either is correct. All I am saying is this is no longer an argument to disprove a theory or historical fact, it's turned into a pissing match of who can prove TheArm is a fraud and quite honestly if there are new folks coming to read the board and learn about OC (which is why I come here) does someone telling someone else to go fuck their mother in an effort to discredit another poster add to their credibility and more so to the forums? Just food for thought.

I'm trying to be fair to her and give her the benefit of the doubt. Most of what she posted was called "Gheg", which is a dialect spoken in Sicily,but more often in Calabria and Bari.
It might well be the language of her Husband, but it is not Sicilian,,,,that's all I'm sayin

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.