I'm thinking since the revelation that he is son of his Uncle pretty much messed him up. I too, got same impression from his Uncle, as tho there was more to tell. Consensual or not....Yikes!! panic LOL

Norman and his new girlfriend seem to have bonded. Tho of course Norma told him not to see her anymore. Yea, he does seem to get a few girls in spite of his oddness. The girl with the oxygen tubes seems to like/d him too but Norma seems ok with her for some reason. Maybe cause her life expectancy isn't very long.

Part of me a times wants to like him and/or I'll think perhaps he'll have a normal life if he escapes his mom's clutches BUT I know how the story goes and it's like I slowly wait to see him lose it (which he's started to do.....aka getting knife happy). lol

I do enjoy the show and I think his mom (Vera Farmiga) is a really good actress and plays the part well. AND the actor playing Norman is growing on me more and more as very good in the part of young Norman.


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 04/02/14 03:01 PM.

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"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon