Originally Posted By: TheArm
I don't have any issue, and i'm not an internet rat any more then I am a rat on the street, and his threat is lame and meaningless... but the threat is found 10 posts up and in plain site....#770442...jus sayin...don't take any action on my account, it doesnt bother me if it doesnt bother you.
As a moderator,I assume you have access to my PM file?
Go and check out the people who do know I speak the truth and come and ask questions, or check in with the owner and Mods at that "other site", you know, the one you need approval to get into, and ask them if I am legit..or not..You have the key to the dashboard, so you are the boss...right?

You don't have any issue yet you keep complaining about some perceived threat like a little girl??

I'll say this once and then I suggest you drop it. I have no interest in what is said in private messages between you and anyone else. I have no interest in what transpires on other message boards. I am concerned about keeping some semblance of order here on these boards.

I'd suggest that you check other message boards that may be more suitable for your posting style or else reign in your fantasy filled posts and stop trying to flame members here.

Just sayin'.
