Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: TheArm
Nobody is not accurate, not even close. I would say it applies to about 5 people counting you.
I don't know, I figured a moderator would be more concerned about people making THREATS on your website, then my history....jus sayin
(wonders if this is a suspendable offense...Him, not me...I'm guessing not)

I'm concerned about people who use these boards as a fantasy role-playing site. If you have issues with other members making threats against you report those specific posts to the moderators.

I don't have any issue, and i'm not an internet rat any more then I am a rat on the street, and his threat is lame and meaningless... but the threat is found 10 posts up and in plain site....#770442...jus sayin...don't take any action on my account, it doesnt bother me if it doesnt bother you.
As a moderator,I assume you have access to my PM file?
Go and check out the people who do know I speak the truth and come and ask questions, or check in with the owner and Mods at that "other site", you know, the one you need approval to get into, and ask them if I am legit..or not... They know me well becuse I used to help them out with the site...You have the key to the dashboard, so you are the boss...right?

Last edited by TheArm; 03/31/14 09:25 AM.

Been there and done it
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