Originally Posted By: Dellacroce
Originally Posted By: TheArm

I am paralyzed with fear, can't you tell?
Son let me tell you a true story, this may clear some things up for you.... I once walked into a bar located at 596 10th Ave in NY (do a Google search and see who owned that bar in the 80s)because I got a light payment from someone I sold some hardware to. I could face him and his crew, or I could explain the light envelope to the guy I kicked up to, or put in what was short myself.
I chose to go get my money
I walked out of that bar with my money and my life, more than most people could ever hope to do
Why, because I am a tough guy?
It's because I fear nothing.
I accidentally saw my first dead body wrapped in plastic and covered with lime at 6 years old, that same year the FBI searched through my toy chest because they had a warrant to search my entire house, My dad was away from the time I was 9 till the time I was 15, I operated in a city of less than 100,000 that had racked up a body count in a mob war of over 20, and where the most prolific mob killer of all time came with an axe to grind against the entire circle of people I was with, and before I was 25 I was looking at RICO perquisites that would have put me away till I was 75
I never blinked
Now Son..do you really think someone like you on the internet scares me ?
Get real..ok?

Listen kid, Money walks and Bullshit talks.....I don't believe you.

You made the threat Son...I don't beleive you, and frankly even if I did, like I said, I like my odds

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.