DiMaggio's info is good, accurate and in-depth.

Yes, you hear a lot about 'MEOC' (Middle Eastern Organized Crime) in Sydney.

Australian cops are lazy, over-paid and over-resourced idiots. Total dipshits. Total waste of tax-payer money.

Too many young rookie cops with no life-experience drive around Sydney in squad cars at night, looking for something to do. That's when you get pulled up or pulled over for silly or trivial reasons or for nothing at all.

"Random Breath Test" is perpetually used as a reason for pulling over a road-user, especially if you're on a bike.

I ride myself and I am firmly convinced that cops are targeting unfairly anyone on two wheels, mainly due to the on-going drug distribution amongst MC gangs in Australia - Hell's Angels, Banditos, Finks, Comancheros, etc.

There's a lot of middle eastern types, mainly Lebs, in the MC gangs.

Middle Eastern crimes also involve ram-raids on expensive retail stores and the theft of desirable motorbikes and luxury cars, mostly exported for re-sale in the Middle East. Tell them what you want and they'll get it, often by jumping owners when they get out of their car when they get home.

There was also maverick smaller gangs like the violent Vietnamese "5T" gang (in Cabramatta, in Sydney - probably busted up now) and the Bra Boys (from Maroubra Beach).

Those are small gangs - there's is also the much larger "Chinese Triads" organization, but despite their size you NEVER hear anything about them. I wonder why. It's been said the Triads are responsible for 90 percent of the heroin that comes into Australia, yet you never hear about them or hear of any busts.

We specialize in overnight news video reporting. The TV networks have NO overnight news crews because they consider it too dangerous (which it is) and too expensive. We specialize in police misconduct videos - check out a sample here: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjZAw00CNtA -- our Youtube channel is called SydneyCamera (one word).

Middle Eastern crime types are also involved in discos, bars, strip clubs and prostitution in Kings Cross, Sydney's red-light district. We are "the trusted camera" in those places when anything goes wrong overnight - we get the call coz they know we don't include any venue signage in our video footage of the carnage that goes on ;-)

Italian Mafia may be active in Sydney's "Little Italy" district situated around Stanley Street in East Sydney. Maybe active in Leichhardt on Norton Street, too. Apart from that, Italians were said to be in the rural town of Griffith and in Melbourne.

Last edited by night_timer; 03/31/14 03:45 AM.

"It was all crap, right up to the moment he died" - an investigator's opinion - and epitaph - of John Holmes (Johnny Wadd)

"Drunk words are sober thoughts" - Anon.