Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
Basciano and Wild Bill were both examples of that. That sort of extreme duality.

Vinny lived four houses away from me for more than ten years. And it's true, he was capable of great generosity. But the truth is, you didn't want him in your life. When he did for you, he'd always remind you about it. At the very least.

But like you said, Nicky. That's the duality of it all. Some of them do it out of guilt. Some of them do it to gain favor with you and get something that they want. And some of them do it out of the genuine goodness of their hearts. But you never know what you're gonna get with them, so it's not worth the risk of inviting them into your life.

didnt he have a problem with a neighbor over a tree?

When Interpol?