The good, lmao...

Sure you reach out because you have a problem and they help you out with it, then the next thing you know they own 50% f your business or you have 2 "no show" employees" on the books...

I've told this story before, but...

I met a guy who was a retired cop from queens. He walked a beat, when cops walked a beat. He knew everyone in the hood, wiseguys, crooks and the old ladies.

Someone had been breaking into cars in the area and stealing radios etc.. Finally one day he walks by the local social club and talks to the guys and asks if they have any ideas, etc.

A couple days later they tell him they think it's so and so around the corner and he thanks them. He knows the kid in question and the kid is s drug addict. The guys offer to 'speak" with the kid and he declines and says he'll take care of it.

Over the next few weeks he can't nail the kid down and stops by and talk with his mother a few times, etc..

Then one day he sees the kid walking right at him, the kid has his head down and doesn't see him as they get within 25 or 30 feet of each other. Then he notices that both of the kids hands are in casts with his hands broken.

He stops the kid and asks what happened and the kid says, I fell off of my bike.....

"In onore della Famiglia la Famiglia e' aperta"