Originally Posted By: Lilo
I don't know how long the show intends to go on but I think eventually the ending has to have some sort of deliberate intimacy (at least attempted) that will be the final catalyst for Norman going over the deep end. The last episode with the spooning and Norman taking on Norma's persona and voice was over the proverbial top.

Last episode Norman's violent tendency surfaced first when his brother (who I kind of feel sorry for)was arguing with his mom, and then when his new girl friend and him went after his Uncle intending to do him in.

Yea, Lilo, I agree with you on the intimacy issue. It likely will surface soon. For my taste, I'm ok if they don't show it (or as you say Lilo "the full darmody.)" lol but rather make the audience aware that it actually did happen. I mean....his mother? panic I suppose since her own brother raped her repeatedly made her go off the deep end.

Btw, it seems all the cops in that city walk the shady side no?


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 03/27/14 12:25 PM.

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