Originally Posted By: BlackFamily
Not enough facepalms for how this got off topic.

@Belmount, I will cover your statement here swiftly but anything lengthy should be directed to general discussion for thorough talk.
On a personal note , I'm one of those 70% (Both my parents involved in my childhood by the way) and I can tell you here and now that birth out of wedlock doesn't equal problem child. Parenting, Environment, and Life experience determines that outcome. If that was the case then well to do ( married & financially) families shouldn't have any problems with their child/children but they wind up in as much of the predicament as others.
Furthermore some neighborhoods and cities in this country have been know for a bad reputation before blacks even migrated there.
If you want to have a conversation on the black community then please go to general discussions."

Blackfamily, you beat the odds, what can i tell you. You were lucky enough to have a father figure.
If you look at all the blacks in prison, most are born out if wedlock and had no father figure enforcing discipline. A kid is MUCH less likely to engage in irresponsible/ criminal activity if both parents are in the picture. Of course there are white families that have traditional family unit where the child resorts to criminal / anti social behavior. However, as i said, children are MUCH less likely to do that in a traditional family make up.
You are telling me that being born out of wedlock isnt the MAIN cause for the problems in black america? I find that extremely hard to believe.
I had a black boss for 3 years when i was a kid and i worshipped the guy. He was a great guy and a great leader, we all loved him. In fact, we never even thought about him as a black person, we viewed him as our boss. Thats it.
He came from a solid family and was a great family man himself. I highly doubt his beautiful daughter had a child out of wedlock or a child as a teenager.
3/4 of all the issues with black america would be solved by eliminating children born out of wedlock. Its the disintegration of the traditional black family that has caused most of their issues. Its not racism and its certainly not due to lack of jobs. Race whores such as jesse jackson and al sharpton would want everyone to think that. After all, thats how they make their money.

Last edited by Belmont; 03/27/14 09:21 AM.