Well, with over 70% of all blacks born out of wedlock, this is to be expected. Until black women and black man stop being so frustratingly irresponsible, the problem will only get worse.
I dont care how many GOOD JOBS are offered to young black men, with no father in the house to enforce discipline, they will still be hanging out and butchering their own communities rather than choose to work.
If a family is divorced, as much as that sucks for a kid, the father is still in the picture. Plus, the child has a sense of where he came from and a sense of family. Out of wedlock kids dont know who the hell their fathers are ( most are in jail for unsophisticated crimes). Not to mention , the out of wedlock child's siblings have different fathers. Disgusting.
Maybe the woman need to adjust their moral compass and get their fuckin priorities in order.
Children first, then clubbin...
Of course no one significant in the black community will ever step up to the plate and help to nip the problem in the bud be denouncing this unacceptable behavior. they would rather cry racism and lack of jobs opposed to the true reason( having kids at an early age without being married).
Remember, we pay for all this nonsense. Welfare, more cops, more teachers, more prisons, over crowded schools, over crowded hospitals, soaring health care costs, and a bunch of other things.
Im sick of seeing good neighborhoods deteriorate, our country is a shadow of its former self.

Last edited by Belmont; 03/26/14 12:59 PM.