It's been said a million times that Paul wasn't from the streets, but things went downhill quickly for the Gambino family after Gotti wrestled the leadership from Paul.

Paul wanted to legitimize family-run businesses into 'clean money' enterprises, which many OC people do. He just had to get a little dirt on his hands on the way to becoming rich. (Everybody does, mobster or not.)

Gotti couldn't fly beneath the radar - he craved public adoration and exuded a 'try and get me' attitude towards law enforcement. That's the one thing about Gotti I have never understood. Paul was much more low-key. So was Carlo Gambino. They stayed out of the spotlight.

Castellano had no rebellious 'bad boy' sex appeal, and the guys hated him, but I see him as a better operator than Gotti and the blue collar faction. Who was the better money-maker of these two?

Last edited by night_timer; 03/24/14 08:31 PM.

"It was all crap, right up to the moment he died" - an investigator's opinion - and epitaph - of John Holmes (Johnny Wadd)

"Drunk words are sober thoughts" - Anon.