Little nicky and pmac you two make me laugh. Don't tell people how things work now. My deal is I have deep, old, old ties to the Philly mob. I am not hiding my identity because of fear it is because this shit is not talked about. It would be a complete embarrassment to a lot of people if it was known I came on here and gossiped on illegal info that is not to be spoken about, I am aware though that the crew that runs this site probably has my IP address and knows where I am. I also noticed that leaders of site list there location in jersey. so there is a good chance someone knows one. And could find out who I am if they wanted to. But I would never identify myself only for fear of embarrassment to others. After saying that for you to to tell us how things work is kind of insulting. One thing about Philly is a lot of these people go back three generations. So we don't need to be told how things work or happen. I have roots in philly that probably goes back to 1800's in illegal activity in area. Another reason identity would never be given is we are not completely legit yet so to come on here and admit to illegal activity would be foolish to say the least. There are serious old timers all over the philly area who know a lot more then 99% of the people on this site. Guys that you would think are working stiffs played cards with guys like sindone and riccobene. That being said I will gossip a little from time to time. The reason a high profile government witness wasn't hit ten years ago is because they were well protected not because of fear of law enforcement. No witnesses walked the street. If one did please tell us who it was and I will say your right. Guys I know wouldn't talk to you unless they knew you for 30 years or knew a relative of yours for that long. That being said lets have some fun cracking on gangsters and wannabee gangsters.