Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
You're right.
Because we have bosses no mobster would rationally retire.
Because we have mobsters who've done prison stints, everyone's still in the game.

Crea proves that Merlino's still in the game.
You know, by logic n all.

That's not what I'm saying AT ALL. So quit the strawman arguments. I'm just refuting your argument where you suggest that Merlino quitting the life is the only logical prediction simply because he knows that he has high chance of going back to prison. Merlino is a criminal. The US has a recidivism rate of over 60% (probably a lot higher amongst Mafia members), so how is it hard to believe that Merlino could go back to Philly and pick up where he left off?

"I die outside; I die in jail. It don't matter to me," -John Franzese