Originally Posted By: Serpiente
SCREECH : you got that one wrong we did not use wax back then ,used a strait razor and a little cream...
But never used the cream when i use that on the throat !

But here you are showing what a P---- u r on that keyboard. Grave yards are full of P----- like you.

Thanks. That was a good laugh. We all could do more of that.

Just pokin some fun at your expense which I apologize for but you do it to yourself. I mean c'mon. You're a caricature. Which isn't necessarily a negative. Every forum needs a few. But you have to know that right? I obviously only mean this when you are sober. I mean who doesn't go to the bar and get drunk with there buddies and post fictional stories? You see where I'm going with this right?

We both know we will never meet so ill save the tough guy stuff.

When Interpol?