Pope Benedict was an intellectual and those types of people are hard to warm up to. Pope Francis is a breath of fresh air. He reflects the essence and simplicity of Jesus Christ, and his message calls us to be more Christ like - Love One Another, As I Have Loved You. With all the hate and greed in the world he is a welcomed leader.

The challenge or warning, as has been stated here, people may misinterpret the message of love and caring. He is still solid in his beliefs and the churches teachings on homosexuality, abortion and the priesthood. What he has wonderfully done is embrace ALL humankind. I believe Francis is trying to bring all people together, practice tolerance and inclusion. Let God judge the soul of the individual not us. He has a tough road ahead, but I believe his charity and humility will be beneficial to humankind.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12